Among the long list of benefits of technology, widespread international communication is at the top. Anything ranging from a simple text to a video chat message can be sent anywhere in the world within seconds with just a few simple clicks and swipes. However, the latest modes of communication have been dominated by websites like YouTube. YouTube is a video-sharing website with the aim to allow anyone to express and share anything in a video blogging, or vlogging, format. This insanely popular website has truly changed the way we communicate with people and is now the third most popular website in the world. Though I probably don't have to tell you guys that since according to Internet World Stats, 77.3% of Americans have some form of internet broadband and an exponentially increasing number of users world wide are also getting connected. Companies and websites are taking the hint and expanding to include different language options, specific international target audiences, and international user friendly layouts.With this ever growing population of internet users from around the world, it's no wonder that we're exchanging and learning more information and trends from other countries than ever before. Take for instance, the newest global hit, Psy's "Gangnam Style".
Psy's famous "horse riding dance"
If you haven't heard of this song or seen the dance and music video, you literally must have been shut up in a hole for the last few weeks. Seriously, this guy is everywhere in America. From a Dodger's game to the VMA's, Psy is hitting the American market. As a Korean rapper and singer, Psy created the song "Gangnam Style" to parody the wealthy and trendy lifestyles of the Gangnam district of Seoul, Korea. As of today, "Gangnam Style" has been viewed over 180 million times. The real story, however, is the presence and exposure Psy received thanks to the help of social media websites like YouTube. As stated before, YouTube provides an environment where anyone in the world with an idea, camera, and computer can upload his or her video. Well as luck would have it, Psy just happened to have a really great song and a video to match. With the exposure and availability of his song on the internet, it was only a matter of time before the world became addicted. Psy's "Gangnam Style" falls under the genre of Korean pop, or K-pop. As a country where international or non-english songs are very rare, America has definitely welcomed Psy and all his Korean quirkiness. Although Psy is just one example of cross-cultural exposure thanks to YouTube and other websites, there are still thousands of videos ranging from Bollywood music videos to funny Japanese game shows that users can watch to expose themselves to entirely new cultures and their customs and judging from the number of views, they have. Although most people think of YouTube as a fun website to go on to look at cute animals or watch funny videos, in actuality, it's been a unique factor in the spread of globalization.
Psy performing on The Today Show
As a YouTube addict, I can also say that I've had my share of exposure to some strange, funny, and moving videos from around the world. Having been nudged by my Indian friends to listen to some Bollywood music, I searched "Indian Music" on YouTube only to find "Why This Kolaveri Di", a song CNN called "2011 Song of the Year". And of course, there've been countless videos of adorable babies and heartwarming stories. Had it not been for YouTube and our new digital culture, I doubt I have would been exposed to such a diverse and interesting community.
I think that this is a good example of media convergence. In order to stay relevant, news shows will feature viral videos. Not only the TV media, but the Web media, as well. One of the prime reasons that I still set Yahoo! as my homepage is because of the slider of news (fashion, lifestyle, world) on the page. Instead of YouTube videos becoming its own news source, news outlets have taken it upon themselves to report them. It seems that old mediums die hard...